The Fascinating History of Cheap Christmas Trees: From Medieval Times to Today

The Royal Roots of Christmas Trees

Did you know that the Christmas tree tradition dates back to medieval times? It’s true! The practice of decorating evergreen trees with ornaments and lights was first popularized by royalty in Germany in the 16th century. German nobles would adorn their Christmas trees with candles, fruit, and other decorations to symbolize the beauty and bounty of the holiday season.

From there, the tradition quickly spread to other European countries, including England, where Queen Victoria’s love of Christmas trees helped to popularize the trend further. By the early 20th century, Christmas trees had become a beloved symbol of the holiday season worldwide.

The Rise of the 12-Foot Tree

In recent years, we’ve seen a growing trend toward bigger and more elaborate Christmas trees, with some families opting to purchase trees that are 12 feet or taller! But where did this trend come from?

The popularity of tall Christmas trees can be traced back to the 1920s and 1930s when wealthy Americans began to favor grandiose Christmas decorations as a show of their wealth and status. By the 1950s, the tradition of the Christmas tree 12 foot had become firmly entrenched in the culture of the United States, and it has remained a fixture of the holiday season ever since.

Of course, not everyone can afford to shell out thousands of dollars for a towering tree each year. Many people turn to cheap Christmas trees as an affordable and practical alternative.

If you’re looking for a bargain on a Christmas tree, you’re in luck! With so many different options available, from artificial trees to pre-cut fresh trees, there are plenty of ways to find festive and affordable holiday decor. So don’t be afraid to get creative with your Christmas decorations this year – after all, it’s not about how much money you spend but about the joy and warmth that the holiday season brings.